Sometimes we need to look deep within ourselves and what we find is that we need to do better.
The dance industry has always favored a certain aesthetic and deemed it the gold standard of what is considered success in dance. However, Liquid Motion® has seen this as a limiting lens from which we celebrate individuals in this art form. Success in dance is achievable by all body types when trained properly. Instructors must make a commitment to understand how to teach different bodies.
Liquid Motion® has always done this from the very beginning … however we realize that our commercial branding and educational imagery sometimes did not reflect these truths in our beliefs and how we approach our movement methodology.
In October of 2023 we started a project to update our training and marketing materials to support these ideas and beliefs. However, how we wanted to change the industry was still a question. With such ambitious goals comes very challenging and uncomfortable conversations- but they were had and are still ongoing. Now we are here and we are launching the Liquid Motion® Movement Project.
The Liquid Motion® Movement Project is a campaign to not just celebrate diversity in dance and dance instruction, but show that this diversity can also be the gold standard. This project will educate not just students but focus on educating teachers to help them reach this goal. From this, the Liquid Motion® Movement Project was born.
This is Step One. Over the next year you will see a new portal on our website, blogs, educational material, business listings that share our views, and so much more.
What does it mean and why should I take the pledge?
Pledge to show your support for diversity, education, and celebration of all people in dance and movement. Pledge that you will commit to holding yourself and the businesses you work with accountable to support this mission. By taking the Pledge, you are becoming an active participant of the Liquid Motion® Movement Project.
Sign the Liquid Motion® Movement Project Pledge and join a community of dance professionals committed to being educated and supporting diversity through instruction of all body types for success in dance movement.
Take the Pledge and be an active part of this change. You’ll be the first to be updated on community resources, directories, and more. We'll check in with you periodically to hold you accountable and see where you are in your journey.
As a “thank you” for taking this important Pledge, you’ll receive immediate access to a Free Sampler Course that provides you with a sampling of our teaching materials which have been proven to be successful on all bodies.
The companies listed below have been vetted and proven to hold themselves to a higher standard of diversity within the movement industry.

Grow your support network with these community resources designed to educate, inspire, and empower movement instructors and students alike.
From seminars to articles to community forums, this free online portal allows you to connect with other likeminded individuals looking to learn from one another.